What is your role in the Bellingen Youth Orchestra Ensembles?
I mentor the bassoon players in the woodwind section of the orchestra during rehearsal. Getting bassoon technique ‘under the thumb’, literary, is no mean feat as both thumbs are extremely busy with multiple keys to manage. The support helps young players gradually building their confidence, technically and musically and so they can feel safe and secure in their section and enjoy rehearsal time.

What are some of your musical achievements?
I majored in The Netherlands with a performance (flute) and education degree, including ensemble direction. I often performed with my organist husband in Holland and Australia. New to Australia she quickly added the other instruments of the woodwind family to her skills repertoire as in the Victorian education system teachers are often expected to teach all woodwinds. Adding bassoon happened by lucky chance; a baroque bassoon unused at the early music dept. at Melb. Uni was the impetus, followed by switching to modern bassoon sometime in the nineties.

What do you love about playing music? 
I love playing music, it is a way of communicating, of creating unique moments together. It is demanding, challenging and rewarding at the same time and asks for enduring commitment to be satisfying.

What inspired you to teach music in Bellingen?
The positive drive of some inspiring music teachers in Bellingen motivated me to become part of the collective effort to shape and maintain the BYO to what is has become.

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